Albert Ramirez, also known by its acronym ALBRAN artistically. It has a sculptural style influenced by the greats of the Rodin sculpture, Michelangelo and Pablo Gargallo. He has been able to mold a really delicate personal sculpture, through his work often considered universal.
After a start in the painting, decided to evolve by their need to create the sculpture, \\\"I can express myself and display the work and add three-dimensional touch to feel my sculpture.\\\" Governs the process of creating a solid foundation \\\"My sculpture is a picture of the moment, second, the moment, creating the future while respecting the past”
His sculptural process is from a block of clay, to finish in bronze, it helps to shape your imagination unrealizable. This technique is laborious, is usually applied in the case of marble, wood or stone. What led him to comment \\\"If anything has taught me to have serenity, has been the result of a completed sculpture\\\"
In 2003, the X World Swimming Championships held in Barcelona, which hosts the Palau Sant Jordi, made his first public appearance with the sculpture \\\"The Swimmer,\\\" carved from one piece to size. Represents the effort of a butterfly swimmer at the time of leaving the water for air.
He also made a collaboration with the gallery Amelie Barcelona in 2005, exposing some of their works.
Share a collection of sculptures promoted by one of the most famous art companies nationwide; inverart.
He has exhibited his sculptures in the gallery Taüll, Laforja street, 26 Barcelona, with whom he has collaborated in recent years, contributing some of his latest creations.
In 2009 he was selected to create the sculpture prize \\\"character\\\" of the International Film Collective Family CinemaNet (Madrid). The above award is given to the person from the film which has outstanding talent for human values. The sculpture, \\\"character\\\" representative of the evolution and human effort, will be the trophy of that prize.
He has received several commissions for original pieces create unique sculptures that are part of private collections
In June 2011 has created custom awards for writer Asha Miró, and singer Gerard Quintana (Sopa de Cabra) for their collaboration in founding freinds Joan Petit. They delivered at the launch of \\\"Namaste to life\\\" at the W Hotel \\\"Vela\\\"de Barcelona
Currently working on new creative processes
The work is limited to a maximum of 25 units